Solutions for digital signage and meeting room management

Loop24 provides smart, easy-to-use and affordable solutions designed to improve your digital signage and meeting room management.

  • Digital signage
  • Meeting room panels
  • Real-time meeting assistance requests
  • Booking for multi-tenant rooms and resources

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LoopSign – Digital signage made easy, functional and affordable

LoopSign is an easy-to-use, cloud based solution for your digital signage needs. Whether you have one or more screens for signage use, LoopSign is the only solution you need for creating, editing and administrating all of your displays, with the ease of an intuitive and convenient user interface. LoopSign is easy to use, offers a wide range of neat features and comes with a smart and affordable pricing system.

Learn more about LoopSign ⭢

LoopMeeting – The solution for your meeting rooms

LoopMeeting is a solution to optimize your company’s meeting rooms usage, giving employees an overview of when rooms are free or booked – on physical panels outside the meeting rooms.

Learn more about LoopMeeting ⭢

LoopAssist – The assistance request system tailored for your needs

In a meeting and in need of technical assistance, or simply just need refreshments? LoopAssist is an assistance system for making real-time, instant requests – allowing you to request service without interruption. The system will greatly reduce time-consuming meeting interruptions and improve efficiency.

Learn more about LoopAssist ⭢

LoopBooking – The multi-tenant resource booking solution

LoopBooking is a cloud based booking solution tailor made for multi-tenant buildings. Book shared meeting rooms and resources from a web page or an app on your phone. Making booking very easy and convenient for all employees.

Learn more about LoopBooking ⭢