
LoopBooking Resource booking module

LoopBooking resource booking module makes it really easy to book a desk, parking space, locker or any other shared resource directly from your phone.
Scan QR code for instant booking or plan ahead and select your favorite sitting areas for booking a desk.

More and more companies allows more freedom to their workers in terms of working from their home or anywhere else outside the office premises.
This trend also enables the companies to save big bucks on their office space rentals. Why would you need space for all workers when at any given time maybe as much as 50% of the workers are working from other locations?

LoopBooking resource booking helps you to enable your workers to book their needed resources in advance for the hours/days they spend at the office.
This gives you as employer total flexibility in terms of not having dedicated desks for each employee. At the same time making sure your employees gets the needed resources when they are at the office.

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NEC / LoopSign bundle offer

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Easier booking of meeting rooms at Virke

LoopMeeting has made spontaneous meetings and booking of meeting rooms easier and more efficient.

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Dynamic digital signage backgrounds in LoopMeeting

Customize your meeting room panels by using LoopSign. Update the background on your panels with digital signage for an even more informative screen.  


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Five quick reasons you should use LoopMeeting

Our LoopMeeting screens and software is a great way to make sure your meeting rooms are utilized as much as possible.   

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Fresh bread and fresh information

The Dutch bakery Bakker Wiltink uses screens to inform their employees in their production facilities. Digital signage is shown to be an effective way of sharing information, especially to staff that don’t have access to a computer during their workday.

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