Five quick reasons you should use LoopMeeting

Our LoopMeeting screens and software is a great way to make sure your meeting rooms are utilized as much as possible.   

  1. More efficient use of meeting room space. LoopMeeting is an easy way to utilize your meeting rooms as much as possible. Users have to confirm their booking when they are ready to start their meeting, and can end it early, by the touch of a button on the screen. This ensures that the room is being used when booked, and if not makes it instantly available to others that can book it directly on the screen. The screens indicate the status of the room with red, green or yellow so users can see from a distance if it is available or not.
  2. Easy to use. It actually is. LoopMeeting has an easy to use interface that everybody can understand. It’s easy to book a meeting room, cancel a meeting or end it early, report faulty technology in the room etc. If you need advanced features, we have those too.
  3. Easy to install and set up. Whether you need two or 50 screens for your meeting rooms the system is easy to install and start using. You can do set up directly on the screen if you only have a few, or you can set up several at once with a log-in to our website in your browser.
  4. Compatible with different technologies. LoopMeeting is compatible with Microsofts Exchange or Office 365, Google G-Suite and Loop Booking.
  5. Affordable. Our system is a high quality hardware and very easy to use software. Compared to our competitors we are sure you will find our offering affordable.

 Read more about the product here and let us know if you want us to get in touch.
