LoopMeeting Central Config Azure AD login

To enable you to use Azure AD accounts to log into the
Central Configuration console follow the guide below.



1. Introduction

LoopMeeting Central Configuration console is a tool to set up, configure and manage your LoopMeeting panels. Normally you will only have one administration account that is created when you register at https://loopmeeting.no/admin 

If you like to have several individual users to be able to access the console or use your company policy for password administration and MFA you can use the Azure AD integration. All users that are members of a specified group in Azure AD will then have access.

2. Prerequisites

To enable Azure AD login for LoopMeeting central config console your
Office 365 Global Administrator needs to follow this guide

If this is already done earlier, your Global Admin needs to re-authorize the LoopMeeting application.

– Log into Azure portal
– Select  “Azure Active Directory” in the menu
– Select “Enterprise applications”
– Selcet “LoopMeeting” application
– Select “Permissions” and press the blue “Grant admin consent for (Copmpany)”

3. Configure group/users for access

Please make sure that step 2 is done and all is working as expected.
O365 Global Admin needs to follow these simple steps:

–  Create a security (Or use and existing) group in Azure AD.
–  Add users that should have access to LoopMeeting console to this group.
– Send the Group Object ID to support@loop24.no together with the company name for your registered account in LoopMeeting/admin.

Loop24 will then enable Azure AD login for your account. Please note that when Azure AD login is enabled, the initial registered user/pass for this account will be disabled. It will only be possible to log in with accounts that are members of the specified group.


