EventTemple integration

This description takes you thru the steps needed to integrate  EventTemple with LoopSign Calendar Widget.



LoopSign has as one of the first Digital Signage solution providers made an integration with EventTemple. This integration makes it possible to show your room event calendar on a big digital signage screen.

First you will need your EventTemple API organization ID and a API token.
Follow the steps below to find them in your EventTemple console.

Log into your EventTemple console and make a note of your EventTemple API organizational ID

  • Click your profile in upper right corner
  • Select Profile
  • Select Organization
  • Select Organization Setting

Then you will see your API Org ID

Make a note of your API Token

  • Select Settings
  • Select Integrations
  • Select API

Then you will see your API Token
If there is no token, create a new API token.

Now log into your LoopSign account and create a new or edit an existing screen. Add the Calendar Widget and customize as you like.
See this video for more details about customization. How to use the Calendar Widget

Follow the steps below to connect to EventTemple


In calendar Widget under
“Import calendar from”
select “EventTemple”



Paste your API organization ID and API token. Then click connect


Select the rooms you like to show in the overview

Continue to make any cusomization as you like. For example background picture or colors. Wayfinding pictures and much more.
