
How do I get started?

It’s very simple to get started with LoopSign! Register for your 30 days free trial here and get started immediately.

Where can I find RSS Feeds?

Just Google for RSS Feeds in your contry/area and topic.
Here is a list of the most common RSS Feeds: https://loop24.no/loopsign/rss-feeds/

LoopSign lags or doesn’t show content properly.
What’s wrong?

LoopSign might lag or not display content properly if you’re using an older screen or have compatibility issues. Be sure to have the latest firmware version for your screen or use an external player.
For more info take a look at our support page.

Why can’t I edit or save changes in the screen editor?

Please make sure to use Chrome, Firefox or Safari as your web browser when editing your digital signs.
Also make sure to not work in a Citrix or Terminal Server environment.

More information on HTML5 browser compability

How can I use LoopSign if I have an older screen with no internal player or browser?

Please use an external player, we recomend the RaspberryPI
For information about supported devices, take a look at our support page.

Are there any formal terms and conditions for using LoopSign?

Yes there is, please read them carefully: Terms & Conditions

Can I show websites in real-time on my screens?

Yes, but only if they are HTTPS and the web site allows to be shown on other websites. Simply test out the website you want to show on your display. Please note that WEB pages that does not support to be shown in a iFrame may not work even if you select the proxy option. Test the settings of your website here:

How do I get my content displayed on a screen?

On your account page you can easily create and edit content for each of your screens. Every “screen” you make and administer gets a unique URL address. This address is then put into your screen’s built in browser or thru our applications. For more information on how to deploy LoopSign, have a look at our support page.

How do I download the LoopSign software?

One of the best parts of LoopSign – there is no software! LoopSign is 100 percent cloud based. The user interface loads directly in your web browser. Supported browsers are Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera and other browsers compatible with HTML 5.
