

Configure Teams integration in LoopBooking


  • Find and select your Application under “Application Registrations”


  • Create a secret key for your application on the «Certificates & Secrets» page.  Make a note of the value of the secret key!


  • Select API pemissions and add MSgraph permissions  as Delegated permissions.
    • offline_access
    • OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.


Now open your LoopBooking portal, make sure you are loggen in as Admin.
In the settings on LoopBooking insert the following data into the fields:

    • Tenant ID — this is the identifier for the Azure Active Directory (AD) tenant that a user application is registered under.
    • Client ID — the application ID that the Azure app registration portal assigned when a user registered its app.
    • Client Secret key (Value) — the client secret that a user generated for its app in the app registration portal.
    • Click the «Save» button.


  • After the page is saved the «Integrate» button will be enabled.
  • Click the «Integrate» button to start the integration process. You will be prompted to sign in into your Azure account (if your are logged out) and provide permissions.
  • Once the integration process is completed, the «Integrate» button will be replaced with a «Refresh Token» button and an access token expiration time will be displayed. You will be able to refresh token by clicking the «Refresh Token» button.
  • If the «Online meetings enabled» checkbox is activated, an access token exists and is not expired, an «Online meeting» checkbox will appear on the booking page. To create an online meeting for a booking, activate the checkbox before saving the booking. After the booking is saved the online meeting info will appear on the page.