
Always make sure you are using the latest version of LoopMeeting.


How do i perform a factory reset of my panel?

Please refer to support document  Factory Reset

How do i reconfigure my Loopmeeting panel

If you like to connect your panel to another room or environment you can easily “reset” the settings on your panel.

  • Enter settings by pressing the “i” in the low right corner
  • Select “Settings” and enter password/pin if this is set
  • Select “Server Setup” in bottom menu
  • Select “Reset setup” and confirm OK
  • Select “Check for update” to make sure your app is up to date

Now your panel is ready to be configured for another room or environment.

– Panels suddenly stopped getting data from room calendar?

My connection indicator in lower right corner is “red”

– I get message “You have insufficient privileges to access xxxxx room calendar”

1. Check that your service account has full access rights to the room

2. Make sure you use Oauth 2.0 / Modern Autentication.

Microsoft has discontinued support for basic authentication in Office365.
Basic Authentication Depreciation in Office365

In order to run LoopMeeting in your Office365 environment you need to use Oauth2 autentication
(Also called Modern Authentication) and MSgraph or EWS API.
Check out the support page for further information on how to configure Office365 with LoopMeeting.

3. Make sure your panel has network/internet access - and no proxy/firewall filters the traffic.

Panels needs the following ports/protocols to be open (outbound)
HTTPS (port 443) access to Office 365, Exchange, Google or LoopBooking (Depening on what calendar system you connsct to)
HTTPS (port 443) access to host loopmeeting.no – connection to management console.
NTP (port 123) in order to syncronize time/date to NTP servers.

4. Make sure no "Conditional Access" policies are kicking in for the LoopMeeting application.

Check conditional access settings for the LoopMeeting application in your Azure AD Enterprise App console. Make sure there are no policies that prevents connection from Android or other settings that prevents connection.

5. Perform a reconfiguration of your panel.

Check section “How do i reconfigure my Loopmeeting panel”

6. Check supplication rights.

Select LoopMeting application, permissions and click the “blue area” to grant access to the application

7. Check service account rights to LoopMeeting application

Select LoopMeting application, users and groups and make sure the service account is present

There are no rooms visible in my configuration console

In most cases the issue is that you did not create a roomlist according to chapter 5 in the configuration manual. Please check and confirm that you have at least one valid room list. https://loop24.no/loopmeeting/ms365-create-service-account/

Please note that the distribution list needs to be converted in to a roomlist. This is only possible thru powershell commands. Follow the description in chapter 5.1. https://loop24.no/loopmeeting/ms365-create-service-account/

I get double entries of panels in my console status

We added a new feature to the console so it supports status of more than one panel pr. room. If you had a bit older App version when this change was implemented from our side you could have duplicates showing in your status console.

To fix this, just delete the duplicate with offline status.

My panel “blinks” when i try to enter license key.

The picture just “blinks” or goes in a “loop”  like this video shown below .
Please follow these steps to correct this behavior

– You will see some menu items in the bottom of the screen between the blinks.
Try to press either the circle or the square when it pops up and exit the LoopMeeting application.

– When the application is closed, enter Android Settings
– Select “Apps & Notifications”
– Select application “LoopMeeting”
– Select “Storage and Cache”
– Press “Clear Storage”

Now exit settings and start the LoopMeeting application
Do NOT enter the license key, but select “Demo Mode”
Then select “App Update”
Now you can enter the license key and continue with configuration.

Why does my application “stop” and only display company logo at startup?

Try to restart the panel by disconnection power and reconnect it again.
In some rare cases the configuration might get corrupted.

To solve this issue please perform a factory reset of the panel and make sure you use the latest app version.
How to perform a factory reset

My panel just shows a “blank black screen”
with some small icons in the bottom?

In most cases this is due to some issue with configuration settings and a factory reset is needed.
How to perform a factory reset

I run Office365 and have LoopMeeting on LG or older Philips panels.

Office365 does no longer support Android 4.4.
So if you are having trouble using Office365 on the LG and old Philips you need to replace your panels.
You can still use your LoopMeeting license, so please contact us or your reseller to get a quotation.

What are the license requirements for my calendar backend?

O365/Exchange/Google license requirements
Note that some competitive products needs one teams room license / device.
So they may be cheaper to buy, but you need to take into account the license cost to get the total cost of ownership.

Office 365
You need one Exchange Online license (or higher) when using the MSgraph API.

One user CAL pr. 15 devices.
The service account needs a mailbox and one service account can be used on 15 devices.

One suite/workspace license is needed for unlimited number of panels.
