

How to deploy LoopSign
On different screens and players

Loopsign utilizes the buildt in HTML5 player in the different screens. Even if you can’t find your screen/player on this list it will in most cases still work if your screen has a buildt in HTML player!

Please note!
LoopSign currently supports players down to Chromium version 30 (Released in 2013). However from 2026 LoopSign will no longer have official support for Chromium versions below 47 (Released in 2015).

LoopSign player Android App:
LoopSign has three different versions of the Android Application. (APK)
It runs on screens or external players with Android version 6.0 or  above. (Recomended 8.1 and above)

1. LoopSign player, deployment with HASH. (Recomended)
The HASH deployment method is much easier than the need to enter the whole URL in the player settings.
The app takes over control of the Android device (If it is rooted) and plays content in kiosk mode.

1-beta LoopSign player, deployment with HASH and device management.

2. LoopSign player, deployment with URL
Here you need to enter the URL into the player configuration.
The app takes over control of the Android device (If it is rooted) and plays content in kiosk mode.
How it works: LoopSign Android Player

3. LoopSign “Store” Player, deployment with URL
This version works like option 2 but act as a “normal” app and should be used if your Android device has it’s own application management with autostart.
How it works: LoopSign Android Player

Recomended models from Samsung is: QEC, QMC, QBC, QHC, QBB, QMB, QHB, series.

Samsung Tizen 7.x Deployment guide

Utilize LoopSign app for Samsung on newer Samsung Signage screens.
The App works on Tizen 7.x

Samsung Tizen 6.x Deployment guide
Utilize LoopSign app for Samsung on newer Samsung Signage screens. The App works on Tizen 6.x and below, depending on firmware.

URL to Samsung LoopSign app:
(To be used with Custom App / URL Launcher)

Tizen 7.x Autorotate mode:
Tizen 6.x Autorotate mode:

For older models :
If this does not work use the guide for older models.

Samsung Tizen Deployment guide older models
(For example QMR and QBR series.)
Utilize the built in HTML browser og Tizen based signage screens.

Older Samsung models might have HTML5 compatibility issues.
(Make sure you test with latest firmware)
Please, make sure you use Professional Signage screens, consumer models will not work.


LG Deployment Guide for webOS
LG has made it very easy to deploy LoopSign on their signage screens with webOS platform.
LoopSign works with LG webOS 3.0 and above

NEC/Sharp – ME2-series (Android SOC)
How to configure NEC/Sharp ME2 Series to run LoopSign

NEC/Sharp – M-series (Raspberry PI module)
How to use Raspberry PI LoopSign with NEC

LoopSign custom Image version 2024.8 – Based on original Rapberry OS (Debian 12, bookworm)

Sony Deployment guide
Sony professional signage screens works perfectly with LoopSign.

Deploy LoopSign from a USB stick
Configure the LoopSign URL on a USB stick and run it on your Sony screen.

LoopSign deployment Image for Raspberry PI

RPI3 and RPI4
How to use Raspberry PI LoopSign 2024.8.PI4 image
LoopSign custom Image version 2024.8 Based on original Rapberry OS (Debian 12, bookworm)

If you have an older image installed and experience issues with browser stopping, follow this guide
How to downgrade Chrome version for Raspberry PI4

How to use Raspberry PI LoopSign 2024.8 pi5 image
LoopSign custom Image version 2024.8 – Based on original Rapberry OS (Debian 12, bookworm)

Deploy Loopsign on Maxhub

LoopSign runs very well on Maxhub screens. Supporting Video cache and differnt native functions utilizing Maxhub API’s. Installing the LoopSign App is the preferred deployment.
How to configure Maxhub to run LoopSign with LoopSign App

As an alternative you can also use the buildt-in browser to run LoopSign. Note that by utilizing the buildt in browser you will not have any device control functionality.
How to configure Maxhub to run LoopSign in browser


Deploy Loopsign on Hisense M and E series

LoopSign works on great on Hisense screens by installing the LoopSign Android player App
Instructions on how to configure Hisense to run LoopSign


Viewsonic CDExx30 series
Viewsonic CDExx20 series

LoopSign works perfectly on Viewsonic CDExx30 and CDExx20 Series
by installing the LoopSign Android player App.

Deploy Loopsign on iiyama

LoopSign runs very well on iiyama screens. Supporting Video cache and differnt native Android functions. Installing the LoopSign App is the preferred deployment.
How to configure iiyama to run LoopSign with LoopSign App

Alternativly Loopsign can run in the buildt in browser.
How to configure iiyama screen to run LoopSign in buildt in browser



Use the preinstalled LoopSign player application


Deploy Loopsign on Vestel

Deployment guide for Vestel (New models) Manufactured Q4 2022 and later.
Please note that older Vestel models will not run due to performance and stability issues.

Instructions on how to configure Vestel to run LoopSign

Airtame 2
Set LoopSign URL as a backgroud on your Airtame in your meetingroom or use it as a player.

Screenbeam 1100 Plus
Set LoopSign as a frame or full screen on your Screenbeam device.

BenQ – BH Series

LoopSign works perfectly on Benq screens by installing the LoopSign Android player

Loop24 RK3588 Linux (Debian) player  – End of life
How to configure and manage Loop24 Linux player

Other supported screens

LoopSign supports virtually any screen with a built in HTML5 player. If your screen is android based feel free to use our LoopSign player app.
